The Connector development workflow

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Creating a Connector with the Connect API requires developers to follow the Connector development workflow.

  • After completing this page, you should be able to:

    • Explain the difference between a Creator and a Client.
    • Identify key features of the development workflow.
  • Now that you have completed the Deploy a marketplace Connector module and you know the basics of Connect, let’s explore how you can develop and deploy Connectors. Let's distinguish between two types of users first:

    Creators: Creators are those who develop, manage, and publish Connectors. Creators develop their applications and store the source code in a Github repository. They maintain the git repository and manage releases. Creators also get the Connectors certified, if they are to become public.

    Clients: Once published, Clients can deploy Connectors in their Projects to integrate the functionality provided by them. They can search for Connectors and deploy them, as well as update the configurations and redeploy them.

    To summarize, Creators are those who create Connectors, and Clients are those who deploy Connectors in their Projects.

    Creating and using Connectors runs through the following main stages:

    1. Create your Connector Github repository:

      Connect provides starter code templates for your Connect applications in JavaScript and TypeScript.

    2. Create your ConnectorStaged:

      Use our Connect API or the Merchant Center to create your ConnectorStaged, which is a working draft of your Connector. Preview your draft.

    3. Decide if you want to publish for private or public use:

      a. Publish your ConnectorStaged for private use:

      Once your Connect applications are functionally complete, prepare your Connector for private use. Your Connector is then ready to be used in your Composable Commerce Project.

      b. Certify your Connector / Publish your ConnectorStaged for listing on the Connect marketplace:

      If you would like to make your Connector available for public use, you need to certify it first.

    4. Deploy your (or other) Connectors:

      You can then use your published Connector (for private use) or any other public Connector listed on the marketplace in your Composable Commerce Project.

  • This learning module will follow the above steps in the following pages.

    Study the diagram below which elaborates on the above process in more detail, highlighting some of the key decisions in the development and deployment of Connectors.


    The diagram shows the following steps and decision points:

    1. Create a ConnectorStaged.
    2. Request previewable status for the ConnectorStaged. A previewable ConnectorStaged can be deployed for testing and preview purposes.
    3. Check if the ConnectorStaged is previewable.
    4. If yes, deploy the previewable ConnectorStaged for testing.
    5. Decide if the Connector is ready to be published.
    6. If publishing for private use, publish without certification.
    7. If publishing for public use, request certification.
    8. Check if certification is granted.
    9. If yes, the Connector will be listed on the Connect marketplace.
    10. If not, resolve any certification issues and request certification again.
    11. Once published, the Connector is ready for production use.
    12. This is a simplified representation of the process and actual workflows may vary based on specific requirements and Connect policies.

    You can find more detail on the above process in the docs.

    Certification and Connect Marketplace

    As seen in the process above, when publishing your Connector for public use, you are required to request certification. You can find more information on this process and the Connect Marketplace in our documentation.

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