Using Frontend previews

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

The Frontend previews area lets you access Netlify deploy previews.

From Frontend previews in the Developer area, you can access the deploy previews for your project's sites on Netlify (for example, the staging and the production sites).
By default, you can access deploy previews for pull requests on the master branch. To see deploy previews for other branches, you must configure your Netlify settings or talk to your Customer Success Manager.

If you deactivate deploy previews from Netlify, they will not be available in the Frontend previews area.

The empty Frontend previews area page

See deploy previews

When you access the Frontend previews area, the page is empty.
To see deploy previews, select the related site from the Select site drop-down, a table with the deploy previews available for the project appears. In the Preview link column, click either Open preview on another tab or Copy link to preview.
You can share the preview link with anyone on your team to see.

Some deploy previews available in the Frontend previews area