Set up the Java SDK

Learn how to configure your environment for the Java SDK.

  • After completing this module, you should be able to:

    • Use the Java SDK to work on a Composable Commerce Project.
  • The following instructions help you set up your environment to develop applications with Composable Commerce using the Java SDK.

    To follow along, you'll need:

    • Your preferred Java IDE
    • A Java runtime

    Pay special attention to version requirements.

    Install Java IDE

    In this tutorial, we use the IntelliJ IDEA. In case you don’t have IntelliJ installed, then follow the instructions here. The Community Edition is free to use and sufficient for this tutorial.

    Install Java runtime environment

    Make sure you have a Java environment installed. You can verify it by checking in the terminal with:

    java -version

    If you do not have it installed, then follow the instructions here. We recommend Java 8+.

    Install the SDK

    Let’s create a new local project using IntelliJ by following these steps:

    Step 1: Create a new project

    Open IntelliJ, select New Project, and choose Gradle/Java.

    Step 2: Name the project

    Give it a suitable name. We used demo as the project name and saved it in the IdeaProjects folder.

    New project screen showing demo project being saved in the ideaprojects folder.

    Next, wait for the Gradle dependencies to download. As a result, your build.gradle file should look like this:

    plugins {
    group = "org.example"
    version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    repositories {
    dependencies {
    tasks.test {

    Step 3: Finish project setup

    Install the commercetools Java SDK by adding the following dependencies to the build.gradle file.

    ext {
    versions = [
    commercetools: "14.5.0",
    slf4j: "1.7.36",
    logback: "1.2.10",
    allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'java'
    sourceCompatibility = 1.8
    targetCompatibility = 1.8
    repositories {
    maven {
    url ""
    dependencies {
    implementation "com.commercetools.sdk:commercetools-http-client:${versions.commercetools}"
    implementation "com.commercetools.sdk:commercetools-sdk-java-api:${versions.commercetools}"
    implementation "com.commercetools.sdk:commercetools-graphql-api:${versions.commercetools}"
    implementation "com.commercetools.sdk:commercetools-sdk-java-importapi:${versions.commercetools}"
    implementation "com.commercetools.sdk:commercetools-sdk-java-ml:${versions.commercetools}"
    implementation "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:${versions.slf4j}"
    implementation "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:${versions.logback}"
    implementation group: 'org.json', name: 'json', version: '20200518'
    implementation 'javax.json:javax.json-api:1.1.4'
    implementation 'org.glassfish:javax.json:1.1.4'

    Check that the installation was successful by running the following command in your IDE terminal:

    ./gradlew build

    Do you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL?

    Terminal showing build successful.

    If you do, great! You have successfully set up the Java SDK! If you receive an error message, see Step 4 for resolving any errors.

    Step 4: Resolve possible errors with the Java SDK

    Check the compatibility between your Gradle and Java versions. A build error can occur if there is a mismatch between your Java environment, Gradle, and the project version. To give you a working template, this tutorial was created using the following versions:

    1. Update Gradle wrapper configuration: locate and open the file within your project directory. Set the distributionUrl to This setting ensures that Gradle 6.7 is used for building the project.

    2. Check Gradle and Java versions in IntelliJ: navigate to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle. Use the Gradle version specified in the file. Select Java version 15.0.2 for the Gradle JVM.

    Test your setup

    Let's now check if the SDK is set up correctly or not. Make sure that you have created an API Client as we mentioned previously before continuing.

    Step 5: Set up an API Client in your SDK

    For the Java SDK, use the following code example to create a file called and place it in a folder called /impl.

    package impl;
    import com.commercetools.api.client.ProjectApiRoot;
    import com.commercetools.api.defaultconfig.ApiRootBuilder;
    import com.commercetools.api.defaultconfig.ServiceRegion;
    import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.oauth2.ClientCredentials;
    public class ClientService {
    public static ProjectApiRoot projectApiRoot;
    public static ProjectApiRoot createApiClient() throws IOException {
    String clientId = "";
    String clientSecret = "";
    String projectKey = "";
    projectApiRoot = ApiRootBuilder.of()
    return projectApiRoot;

    Then update the following values to match your API Client:

    • clientId
    • clientSecret
    • projectKey
    • ServiceRegion.{region}getOAuthTokenUrl()
    • ServiceRegion.{region}.getApiUrl() file with copied code inside.

    Step 6: Fetch the Customer data

    Create a file called and copy the following code. Remember to update the Customer ID.

    import com.commercetools.api.client.ProjectApiRoot;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
    import static impl.ClientService.createApiClient;
    public class CustomerFetch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    final ProjectApiRoot client = createApiClient();
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomerFetch.class.getName());
    String customerId = "";
    "Fetching the customers last name " +

    Java code copied into the file.

    Step 7: Execute the code

    You can write your own run task or use the IDE to run the main method.

    Options in IDE to run the main method.

    Nice work! Customer successfully fetched!

    Customer successfully fetched.

    This self-learning module has taken you through the basics of setting up the SDK. You can find additional information on this process in our Get started with the Java SDK page in the docs.