Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

The CLI lets you start and build your application.


yarn add @commercetools-frontend/mc-scripts

You could also install the CLI globally, but we recommend local installation instead.



This command starts the application in development mode. It uses Webpack Dev Server with hot-code reloading, error reporting, and more.

mc-scripts start

By default the application starts at http://localhost:3001.


This command bundles the application in production mode and creates an optimized production build of your application in the public folder.

mc-scripts build

By default, the build command compiles the index.html, included in the public folder. You can opt-out of the compilation step by using the option --build-only. For more information, see Going to production.


  • --build-only: Generates production bundles without compiling the index.html. To compile it, run compile-html.


This command compiles the index.html.template file into an index.html file according to the Custom Application config or Custom View config. The production assets are then copied to the public folder and are ready to be deployed.

mc-scripts compile-html

See Going to production for more information.

By default, compiling the index.html is implicitly done in the build command, unless the option --build-only is used. In that case, you need to execute the compile-html command separately.


  • --transformer <path>: the path to a JavaScript module exporting a function. This can be used as a way to programmatically configure something based on the compiled information, for example, related to your deployment or hosting provider. The function is called with the following signature.

    type TransformerFunctionOptions = {
      // The runtime environment specified within the customization config.
      env: Json;
      // The compiled HTTP headers, including the Content-Security-Policy headers.
      headers: Json;
      // The final HTML content of the `index.html`.
      indexHtmlContent: string;
    type TransformerFunction = (options: TransformerFunctionOptions) => void;


This command starts a HTTP server to serve the previously built and compiled customization, from the public folder. This is useful for testing the production build locally.

mc-scripts serve

We recommend to set up the following scripts in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "compile-html:local": "MC_APP_ENV=development mc-scripts compile-html --transformer @commercetools-frontend/mc-dev-authentication/transformer-local.js",
    "start:prod:local": "yarn compile-html:local && mc-scripts serve"

By default the application starts at http://localhost:3001.


This command enables users to log in to their Merchant Center account through the CLI. An interactive prompt will be displayed asking the user to enter the login credentials.

Upon login, an API token is generated and stored. The API token will be used by other CLI commands that require a valid API token.

mc-scripts login

The command uses the cloud Region environment information from the Custom Application config or Custom View config. The API tokens are stored separately for each cloud Region.


This command lets users synchronize the local Custom Application config or Custom View config with the Merchant Center. The sync implies that a new customization will be created or an existing one will be updated.

Developers can use the config:sync command to automatically manage the configuration of a customization from the config file instead of having to manually fill out the information in the Merchant Center.

If a new customization needs to be created, an interactive prompt will ask the user to select the Organization where the customization should be configured to.

Additionally, after creating a new customization using the config:sync command, you must add the customization identifier to the appropriate config file, then follow the instructions in the terminal:

  • For Custom Applications: add the generated Custom Application ID to the Custom Application config.

  • For Custom Views: you must add the generated Custom View ID to the Custom View config file.

Note that this command requires a valid API token. You can get one by using the mc-scripts login command.

mc-scripts config:sync

The command uses the cloud Region environment information from the Custom Application config or Custom View config.

Use dotenv files

The mc-scripts CLI has the dotenv features built-in.

By default, the following dotenv files are loaded according to the current environment values specified on each command: process.env.MC_APP_ENV or process.env.NODE_ENV. The files are merged and overwritten prioritized from top to bottom (highest defined variable overrides lower).

  • .env.development.local, .env.test.local, .env.production.local: local overrides of environment-specific settings.
  • .env.development, .env.test, .env.production: environment-specific settings.
  • .env.local: local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments except test.
  • .env

Refer to the dotenv documentation for more details.

Furthermore, you can pass additional dotenv files by using the following option:

  • --env <path>: Parses the file path as a dotenv file and adds the variables to the environment. Multiple flags are allowed.

These files will take higher priority over the standard environment dotenv files.