Explore and develop requests to the Composable Commerce APIs with Bruno.
Bruno is a desktop application for API development which is similar to Postman. With Bruno, you can send requests to HTTP APIs, store request templates, and share them with others.
commercetools provides Bruno collections for the Composable Commerce APIs, including the Import API and Audit Log. These collections contain a complete library of templates for every possible request to Composable Commerce API endpoints.
commercetools Bruno collections are automatically generated from the latest API reference and include all supported endpoints and update actions with example bodies. To automate frequent tasks, the collection automatically manages common values and parameters such as authentication, resource IDs, keys, and versions in Bruno environment variables.
As Bruno collections are file-based, you will update them when you pull the latest commits from the repository.
To use the Bruno collections, you must download your API Client credentials and save them in the environments
folder of the Bruno collection. You can then select this environment in Bruno and use auth > Client Credentials to receive an access token. This token is automatically used by further requests in this collection.
After creating an API Client, you can download an environments file for the Composable Commerce collection by selecting Bruno (Postman alternative) from the drop-down.