A Connector is a production-ready integration with Composable Commerce.
After a ConnectorStaged is published, a Connector is created containing all the information from the ConnectorStaged. These are production versions of your Connector that are available for clients to deploy.
Connectors are read-only. If you are a creator and want to make changes to your Connector, you should make the changes to the ConnectorStaged and then use the Publish update action.
id String | Unique identifier of the Connector. |
version Int | Current version of the Connector. |
key String | User-defined unique identifier of the Connector. MinLength:2 MaxLength: 256 Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ |
name String | Name of the Connector. |
description String | Description of the Connector. |
integrationTypes Array of IntegrationType | Integration types of the Connector. Can be used to filter search and query results. |
creator | Owner of the Connector. |
repository | GitHub repository details of the Connector. |
configurations Array of ConnectorConfigurationApplication | Configurations needed by Connectors for hosting. Loaded as environment variables in the application. |
apiClient | Configuration for the API Client used for automatically generating API Client credentials. |
private Boolean | If |
globalConfiguration | Global configuration applied to all applications in the Deployment. |
supportedRegions Array of Region | If provided, Connectors can only be deployed in these Regions. If not provided, Connectors can be deployed in any supported Region. For faster request processing, we recommend adding only the required Region. |
certified Boolean | If |
documentationUrl String | URL to the documentation of the Connector. |
Reference to a Connector or ConnectorStaged. Either id
or key
is required.
id String | Unique identifier of the referenced Connector. |
version Int | Version of the referenced Connector. |
key String | User-defined unique identifier of the referenced Connector. |
staged Boolean | If false |
{"key": "connector-key","version": 1}
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of Connector.
limit Int | The maximum number of Connectors returned. |
offset Int | The offset of the Connectors returned. |
count Int | The number of Connectors returned. |
total Int | The total number of Connectors matching the query. |
results Array of Connector | Connectors matching the query. |
Get Connector
Get Connector by ID
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
id String |
curl --get https://connect.{region}{id} -i \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
{"id": "5ab3edcd-9d23-4934-8f48-256805253119","key": "connector-key","version": 1,"name": "Connector's name","description": "Connector's description","integrationTypes": ["other"],"creator": {"title": "Mr","name": "John Doe","email": "","company": "commercetools","noOfContributors": 200},"repository": {"url": "","tag": "0.0.0"},"configurations": [{"applicationName": "app-1","applicationType": "service","standardConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_KEY","description": "config key description","required": true,"default": null}],"securedConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_SECRET_KEY","description": "config secret description","required": true}]}],"private": false,"supportedRegions": ["us-central1.gcp", "europe-west1.gcp"],"certified": true}
Get Connector by Key
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
key String |
curl --get https://connect.{region}{key} -i \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
{"id": "5ab3edcd-9d23-4934-8f48-256805253119","key": "connector-key","version": 1,"name": "Connector's name","description": "Connector's description","integrationTypes": ["other"],"creator": {"title": "Mr","name": "John Doe","email": "","company": "commercetools","noOfContributors": 200},"repository": {"url": "","tag": "0.0.0"},"configurations": [{"applicationName": "app-1","applicationType": "service","standardConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_KEY","description": "config key description","required": true,"default": null}],"securedConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_SECRET_KEY","description": "config secret description","required": true}]}],"private": false,"supportedRegions": ["us-central1.gcp", "europe-west1.gcp"],"certified": true}
Search Connectors
Retrieves all available Connectors.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
text String | The text to search for. For example, as supplied by a user through a search input field. Search results are based on matches found in the |
limit Int | Number of results requested. Default: 20 |
offset Int | Number of elements skipped. Default: 0 |
sort String | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
private Boolean | If | String | Company name of a creator to search for. |
id String |
The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
key String |
The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
integrationTypes | Only search for Connectors with a specified The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://connect.{region} -i \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
{"offset": 0,"limit": 20,"total": 1,"count": 1,"results": [{"id": "5ab3edcd-9d23-4934-8f48-256805253119","key": "connector-key","version": 1,"name": "Connector's name","description": "Connector's description","integrationTypes": ["other"],"creator": {"title": "Mr","name": "John Doe","email": "","company": "commercetools","noOfContributors": 200},"repository": {"url": "","tag": "0.0.0"},"configurations": [{"applicationName": "app-1","applicationType": "service","standardConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_KEY","description": "config key description","required": true,"default": null}],"securedConfiguration": [{"key": "CONFIG_SECRET_KEY","description": "config secret description","required": true}]}],"private": false,"supportedRegions": ["us-central1.gcp", "europe-west1.gcp"],"certified": true}]}