Automatically generate API Client credentials for an existing Connector

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida


This step-by-step guide outlines how to update your connect.yaml configuration file to automatically generate API Client credentials.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • An existing Connector that uses connect.yaml for configuration.
  • Access to the Composable Commerce API and the necessary credentials.

Update your configuration file

To enable automatic generation of API credentials, update your connect.yaml configuration file.

To prevent configuration conflicts, ensure that the connect.yaml file does not include any variables that will be automatically generated by the API Client generation feature. These autogenerated variables are provided at runtime and should not be manually defined in the configuration.

The following example shows a connect.yaml file with pre-generated Composable Commerce credentials. With this configuration file, API Client will not be generated automatically.

Example connect.yaml file without automatic API Client generationyaml
  - name: service_app_name
    applicationType: service
    endpoint: /service
      postDeploy: npm run connector:post-deploy
      preUndeploy: npm run connector:pre-undeploy
        - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
          description: Project key of the commercetools Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
          default: 'default-key'
        - key: INTEGRATION_API_KEY
          description: API key for the integration
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_ID
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client ID
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client secret
          required: true
        - key: CTP_SCOPE
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client scope
  - name: job_app_name
    applicationType: job
    endpoint: /job
      schedule: '*/5 * * * *'
        - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
          description: Project key of the commercetools Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: INTEGRATION_API_KEY
          description: API key for the integration
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_ID
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client ID
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client secret
          required: true
        - key: CTP_SCOPE
          description: commercetools Composable Commerce client scope

To enable automatic API Client generation, complete the following steps in your connect.yaml file:

  1. In the standardConfiguration object, remove the CTP_PROJECT_KEY variable with the Composable Commerce project key: this key will be fetched automatically.
  2. In the securedConfiguration object, remove the variables with pre-generated Composable Commerce credentials: CTP_CLIENT_ID, CTP_CLIENT_SECRET, and CTP_SCOPE.
  3. Add an inheritAs object and specify the scopes to include for automatically generated API Client credentials as a list in inheritAs.apiClient.scopes, for example manage_payments, manage_orders, manage_extenstions (only for service application types that use API Extensions), and manage_subscriptions (only for event application types that use Subscriptions).

The resulting example connect.yaml looks as follows:

Example connect.yaml file with automatic API Client generationyaml
  - name: service_app_name
    applicationType: service
    endpoint: /service
      postDeploy: npm run connector:post-deploy
      preUndeploy: npm run connector:pre-undeploy
        - key: INTEGRATION_API_KEY
          description: API key for the integration
          required: true
  - name: job_app_name
    applicationType: job
    endpoint: /job
      schedule: '*/5 * * * *'
        - key: INTEGRATION_API_KEY
          description: API key for the integration
          required: true
      - manage_payments
      - manage_orders
      - manage_subscriptions # only for event application types that use Subscriptions
      - manage_extensions # only for service application types that use API Extensions

Variables available in the Connect application

With the automatic generation of API Client credentials, the following environment variables will be available for your Connector:

CTP_API_URLComposable Commerce API URL.
CTP_AUTH_URLAuthentication URL for the Composable Commerce API.
CTP_CLIENT_IDAPI Client ID for the Connector.
CTP_PROJECT_KEYComposable Commerce Project key.
CTP_CLIENT_SECRETSecret key associated with the Composable Commerce API Client.
CTP_SCOPEList of scopes assigned to the API credentials.