Manage project configuration

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

You can use project configuration to store project-level variables, such as feature flags, API credentials, and access tokens.

Project configuration in commercetools Frontend is similar to storing your credentials in a .env file, except you store the credentials using the Studio and access them from the extension handler through the context parameter.

Store project configuration in the Studio

To store project configuration in the Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Add project configuration fields to the project schema.
  2. Enter the project configuration values in the project settings.

Add project configuration fields to the project schema

To add project configuration fields, follow these steps:

  1. From the Studio home page or from the left menu, go to Developer > Schemas.

  2. Click Project schema: the Project schema pane opens.

  3. Click Edit schema: the schema editor opens.

  4. Extend the project schema with the appropriate field types. For example, a boolean field might be suitable for a feature flag, while encrypted fields should be used for secret credentials, such as an API key. For more information about schema fields, see Schemas.

  5. Click Validate and Publish.

For demonstration purposes, the following schema adds the API_KEY and APP_ID fields in the Project credentials section of the project schema. By extending the project schema with these fields, a Project credentials section with the Enter API key and Enter APP ID fields is displayed in the Project area of the Studio.

Example project schema for project credentialsjson
  "schema": [
      "name": "Project credentials",
      "fields": [
          "label": "Enter API key",
          "field": "API_KEY",
          "type": "encrypted",
          "required": true
          "label": "Enter APP ID",
          "field": "APP_ID",
          "type": "string",
          "required": true

The project schema fields must be unique throughout the schema because they are flattened in the API hub. Duplicate keys will be lost causing bugs.

Encryption is a compute heavy task. Use encrypted fields only for secret credentials. Overusing encrypted fields can slow down your application.

Enter project configuration values in project settings

You must enter the project configuration values for each Studio environment, as the values are unique to an environment.

To enter the project configuration values, follow these steps:

  1. From the Studio home page or from the left menu, go to Project.

  2. Enter the configuration values in the fields of the relevant section.

    The Project settings page with the Project Credentials section where the Enter API Key and Enter APP ID fields are filled in with values
  3. Click Save.

    The values of encrypted fields are hidden after they are saved.

    To update the values, click X in the text box and then enter the new value.

Read project configuration

When executing an extension, the API hub reads the project configuration values from the Studio, decrypts the encrypted fields, and passes them to the extension handler context parameter inside the context.frontasticContext.projectConfiguration key.

Read project configuration in an extension handlers

You can access the specified variables through the context property that is passed as the second argument to your extension handlers. The following example shows how to read the API_KEY configuration value in extensions.

Use project configuration values in extensions in the backend/index.tstypescript
export default {
  'dynamic-page-handler': async (
    request: Request,
    context: DynamicPageContext
  ): Promise<DynamicPageSuccessResult | DynamicPageRedirectResult | null> => {
    const apiKey = context.frontasticContext.projectConfiguration['API_KEY'];
    // Fetch data for dynamic pages.
  'data-sources': {
    'amazing-data-source': async (
      config: DataSourceConfiguration,
      context: DataSourceContext
    ): Promise<DataSourceResult> => {
      const apiKey = context.frontasticContext.projectConfiguration['API_KEY'];
      // Fetch data with the API key.
  actions: {
    commerce: {
      getStores: async (
        request: Request,
        context: ActionContext
      ): Promise<Response> => {
        const apiKey =
        // Fetch stores with the API key.

Override the project configuration during development

The projectConfiguration is shared across all developers working on the same project. However, sometimes you need to use a different value for some credentials locally without changing the value in the Studio.

To override the project configuration during development, you can create a wrapper function in your code to read the projectConfiguration and conditionally return the credential based on the execution environment.

In the following example, the getFromProjectConfig function checks if the required credential exists in the projectConfigurationOverrides local object and returns it from there instead of from context.

Override project configuration during developmentts
import { Context } from '@frontastic/extension-types';

 * Use this object to locally override the values that would be
 * fetched from the projectConfiguration by default.
 * It only works in development.
const projectConfigurationOverrides = {
  API_KEY: 'myCustomKey',

const isDevEnv = (context: Context) => {
  return context.environment === 'development' || context.environment === 'dev';

export const getFromProjectConfig = (key: string, context: Context) => {
  if (isDevEnv(context) && projectConfigurationOverrides[key]) {
    return projectConfigurationOverrides[key];

  return context.projectConfiguration[key];

Share project configuration with Frontend components

Sometimes you might need to use project configuration values in your Frontend components. For example, some client-side SDKs like Adyen need a client ID to work. The API hub doesn't expose the values directly to the frontend, but you can implement a data source to selectively expose the values you need in a Frontend component.

To avoid security issues, you must expose configuration values as little as possible. A good practice is creating separate data sources for each secret needed on the frontend.

The following example shows how to expose the API_KEY secret from the project configuration to a Frontend component.

  1. Create a data source to read the value from context.frontasticContext.projectConfiguration and return the value as the dataSourcePayload.

    Read and return project configuration value from a data sourcetypescript
    export default {
      // ... other extensions
      'data-sources': {
        'secrets/api-key': async (
          config: DataSourceConfiguration,
          context: DataSourceContext
        ) => {
          return {
      // ... other extensions
  2. Upload the following data source schema to the Studio.

    secrets/api-key data source schemajson
      "customDataSourceType": "secrets/api-key",
      "name": "Expose API_KEY",
      "category": "Secrets",
      "icon": "key",
      "schema": []
  3. Specify the data source inside the schema of the Frontend component that requires the API key.

    Frontend component schema with secrets/api-key data sourcejson
      "tasticType": "example/share-api-key",
      "name": "Example share API key",
      "icon": "money",
      "category": "payment",
      "schema": [
          "name": "Secrets",
          "fields": [
              "label": "API_KEY",
              "field": "apiKey",
              "type": "dataSource",
              "dataSourceType": "secrets/api-key",
              "required": true
  4. Read apiKey from the data source payload in the Frontend component.

    Use the apiKey value in the Frontend componenttypescript
    function ExamplePayment({ data }) {
      return (
          I got this secret from data source <b>{data?.apiKey?.dataSource}</b>
    export default ExamplePayment;