
Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Information on account sign-up and password recovery

Learn more about setting up accounts in our self-paced Organizations, Teams, and Projects module.

Sign up for Merchant Center

You can sign up to the Merchant Center in two ways:

Join an existing Organization

If an account already exists for your company, and you want to create a personal account, do the following:

  1. In the Merchant Center login screen of the respective Region, click Create new account > Create account.
  2. Enter your email address and click Confirm email.
  3. Click the sign-up link in your email and click Create account after entering your details.

Reach out to the administrator to be added to the respective Organization and Project. Alternatively, if a user from your company has an account and invites you to join, click the sign-up link in the email. This automatically adds you to the respective Organization and Team.

Free trial

If your company is new to commercetools, and you want to sign up for a new account, do the following:

  1. In the Merchant Center login screen of the respective Region, click Create new Account > Start free trial. You will be redirected to a web form.
  2. Complete the web form and click Submit and start your free trial.

    The email address set during account creation is permanent and cannot be changed later.

  3. Click the sign-up link in your email and click Create account after entering a password.

    The sign-up link is valid for 72 hours.

You'll be redirected to your account to create a Project. All newly created Projects have a 60-day trial period.

Session duration

Unless you log out, your account will remain logged in for 30 days.

If your Organization uses SSO, you can reduce this duration.

Reset your password

To reset your password, do the following:

  1. In the Merchant Center login screen (of the respective Region), click Forgot password.

  2. Enter your email address and click Reset password.

  3. Click the password reset link in your email and click Reset and login after entering the new password.

    The password reset link is valid only for 1 hour.

    Passwords must be at least 12 characters long, use upper and lower case characters, and have at least one number and a special character.

Receive account emails from commercetools

Confirmation emails are sent to your email address when you create a Merchant Center account, reset your password, or are added to an Organization.

If you do not receive these emails you should:

Manage your account

You can manage your account details such as personal information, languages, and time zone at any time in the Merchant Center. To change them, click the profile icon and select My Profile.

Delete your account

Deleted accounts cannot be recovered as the action is permanent.

Only an account owner can delete their account. To delete your account, do the following:

  1. Click the profile icon and select My Profile.

  2. Click the Delete my account icon.

  3. Enter your email address and click Initiate account deletion.

  4. Click the link in your email and click Delete my account.

    The account deletion link is valid only for 1 hour.

Administrators must remove users from all Teams in the Organization to remove user access to the Organization's data. For more information, see Remove users from a Team.