Product Type import

Learn about the headers and values supported for importing Product Types.

Supported headers and values

You can update a Product Type only if it has a key. You can assign a key to a Product Type either from Product Types and Attributes or by using the Product Type API.

When updating Product Types, include only the headers and values for the fields you are updating.

keyA unique identifier for the Product Type that is imported. The key must only include letters, numbers, underscores (_), or dashes (-).

If a Product Type with the provided key exists in the Project, it is updated with the provided value—otherwise, a new entry is created.
nameA unique name for the Product Type.Required
descriptionA description for the Product Type.Required
attributes.nameA User-defined name of the Attribute that is unique to the Project.Required
attributes.labelA Human-readable label for the Attribute.Required
attributes.isRequiredIndicates whether the Attribute is required to have a value on each Product Variant.Required
attributes.attributeConstraintSpecifies how an Attribute or a combination of Attributes should be validated across all variants of a Product. The default value is None.Optional
attributes.inputTip.{locale}Localized additional information about the Attribute that aids content managers when setting Product details.Optional
attributes.inputHintProvides a hint to the user on how the values of text Attributes should be displayed and edited. The default value is SingleLine.Optional
attributes.isSearchableIndicates whether the Attribute's values are available in the Product Projection Search or the Product Search API for use in full-text search queries, filters, and facets. The default is true.Optional
attributes.type.nameThe attribute type name. Accepted values are boolean, text, ltext, enum, lenum, number, money, date, time, datetime, reference, set:<other accepted types> (e.g set:boolean, or set:text)Required
attributes.type.referenceTypeIdThe resource type the value should reference. Accepted values are: category, channel, key-value-document, product-type, product, review, shipping-method, state, and zoneRequired, when is reference or set:reference
attributes.type.values.*.keyKey of the enum value used as a programmatic identifier, for example in facets & filters. Use a separate row for each key.Required, when is enum, lenum, set:enum, or set:lenum
attributes.type.values.*.labelHuman-readable label for the enum value in the row.Required, when is enum, or set:enum
attributes.type.values.*.label.{locale}Localized label for the enum value in the row.Required, when is lenum, or set:lenum

Delete data

When updating resources, you can remove data for optional fields. To remove data, in the CSV file, enter [DELETE] as the value for the header (field). When deleting values for reference fields or multi-value fields, you must add a new column with the common prefix as the header, and enter [DELETE] as the value.