Discount Templates

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Creating Discounts based on predefined rule structures.

Discount templates allow you to create Cart Discounts or Product Discounts from a predefined rule structure. Any fields or options that are not required for the particular use case are deactivated, allowing you to focus on the essential settings and create new Discounts faster.

Create a Discount via Discount template

To create a Discount based on a Discount template, do the following:

  1. Go to Discounts > Add discount.

  2. Select a Discount template from the drop-down menu of the Discount templates card.

  3. Click Select template.
    A template is displayed with the required fields enabled. Fields that are not applicable for the respective template are not available.

  4. Enter the values and click Save.

After the initial creation, the adjustable settings are no longer restricted. This means you can change all values, as with an individually created Discount.

Edit quick selection

The quick selection menu that lets you select Discount templates is divided into three sections: Product discounts, Cart discounts with line items, and Cart discounts with custom line items. You can customize these sections to show or hide individual templates:

  1. Go to Discounts > Add discount.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click show more templates.
    A list of available templates showing their respective Discount types, descriptions, and examples is displayed.
  3. Select or clear the checkboxes in the Add to Quick Selection column to add or remove Discount templates.
  4. Click Update quick selection to save your changes.